Historic Newspaper Stories
Over time many stories have appeared in newspapers describing in detail the Saengerfests. Most of the stories can be found on the Digital Newspaper collection of the Library of Congress.
1855 story about the Nordoestlicher Saengerbund von Amerika's Sängerfest (song festival):
"The German Festival"1895 report about the Nordoestlicher Saengerbund von Amerika's first 45 years:
"Singers Without Rival"1903 President Roosevelt guest at the Nordoestlicher Saengerbund Sängerfest in Baltimore:
"The President‘s visit and speech"1909 Thousands of Voices at the Sängerfest in New York Madison Square Garden:
Front page of the June 13, 1909 New York Daily Tribune:
and the actual story on that front page
"Story about the Thousands of Voices"1929 Sängerfest at Madison Square Garden
"4,000 singers at Festival"
A brief history of the Nordoestlicher Saengerbund was published in the 1929
"A Backward Glance"